Wednesday, 7 October 2009


Another milestone passed this week, and another slight lifting of the worry blanket. We were at the hospital yesterday for the 20 week "anomaly scan" where the girls are checked to make sure they have the right number of fingers and toes and no signs of brain or physical abnormalities.

It's always fantastic to see them doing their thing at scan time but there's always a worry that the sonographer will spot something out of the ordinary. Happily, all was OK.

Twin 1 (she's at the bottom) is slightly bigger then her sister but to date has been the quieter of the two - we put that down to the fact that Twin 2 (from here on known as "wriggler") has more space up top and exercises herself enough for the both of them!

Twin 1 also seems to be a little camera shy - it took two scanning sessions to get her into the right place so her spine and face could be measured properly. No such problems for Wriggler who was as good as gold when she needed to be then embarked on an extended aerobics session so we could see every limb, digit and other body part - it's so good to see the girls moving.

Even better was the close-up when we got to see Twin 2 swallowing!! She was gulping for England bless her - apparently it's a very significant act as it encourages breathing and digestion :)

So, all-in-all it was a really good day. Twin 1 comes off a little worse from the deal as she's packed in tight and doesn't have as much free movement as wriggler but they're both OK which is fantastic news.

We're back at the hospital tomorrow for an appointment with the consultant to go over progress and then on Friday night we're back *again* for twins night - one of a series of sessions designed to help parents of twins prepare themselves for what's to come.

I can't wait :)

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