Friday 7 August 2009

I'm not fat, I'm a modern man!!

New research shows that some men can put on sympathy weight with their pregnant wives.

By all accounts prospective fathers can gain up to a stone in weight according to the survey from

Part of me thinks this is a load of old marketing tosh designed to promote, however, the sticky-out, slightly wobbly front part totally agrees.

Joking aside, it does make me wonder if there's more to this then meets the eye, though I don't suffer from morning sickness, swollen ankles and the like, I have noticed I've been plagued with ravenous hunger of late and, oddly, can get quite emotional for absolutely no reason whatsoever - very bizarre.

Ah well, today's Friday, two more days till we get to see the kids on Monday when we go for the 12-week scan - can't wait to say hi and see them moving about. We've tentatively nicknamed them Shady and Grover (for reasons I won't go into). Shady is twin #1, on the left of the scan pics and is usually to be found in an odd position that I can only describe as 'feet towards the scan probe', my suspicion is that Shady is a little girl. Grover, on the other hand, is side-on so you can see him in profile, at the scan the other day he was nodding his head and having a good old float around - I suspect Grover is a little boy.

Am I right? or mad? or both? I was hoping the sonographer might get an early guess in as to sex next week but I'm told it's far too early to tell but I'm keeping fingers crossed :) though quite honestly I don't care whether they're boys or girls as long as they're happy and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. so Shady is the shy little girl?... and Grover is the cool dude?... sounds good to me...
    i think it is only fair for the father's to keep up with their weight gain...fair is fair after all... when the TWINS arrive, all safe and sound, you can lose the baby weight together...all that crunchy lettuce can wait...
