Tuesday, 21 July 2009

It's been a week

.. since my last post and a week is a long time in baby raisin' circles (or something like that).

It's also been blissfully quiet. Elly hasn't experienced any bleeding, there have no panics or worries, in short, it's been great!

But it's also been difficult to work. I find I have concentration difficulties at the moment and will open a web browser with a specific purpose in mind then find myself looking at prams or trawling through online forums for information - all a bit tricky really.

I have noticed one thing though. I always wondered what it meant when people said that women "glow" when they're pregnant, and I've never really noticed before. But looking at Ell the past few days there's ... something ... that's different. She looks healthier and more vibrant at the moment, there's a shine and a radiance about her at the moment that's just plain gorgeous. I, on the other hand, an still an old fat git and so have taken to my bicycle to get myself to and from the station during the day.

It turns out cycling is quite difficult (especially as it's been 25 years since I last got on one) and I've discovered that I am the slowest individual on the road - I was passed the other day by a man on a woman's bike and we was wearing SLACKS - oh the shame of it... It's supposed to be good for me but my right knee packed up on Saturday afternoon and throbbed with pain so I'm not entirely convinced about that, but the exercise should help in ensuring that I'm fit and ready come the day the twins finally pop out. They're Russell babies so I know it's going to be an "experience", but I'm looking forward to every minute :)

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