Sunday, 12 July 2009

The Prologue...

I'm a late starter with this blog, so let me explain...

My wife and I have been trying for years to have a baby. As a result of three ectopic pregnancies and various other issues and problems it hasn't been possible - we've even spent a small fortune of IVF.

Two and a half years ago we got our first ... success ... Elly got to 22 weeks before our little boy Matthew was born, he'd suffered a premature rupture of the membrane in his 19th week (his birth sack burst) and we nursed him through another two weeks before his umbilical cord prolapsed. He was born the day after the prolapse and his lungs were incapable of processing oxygen. We never got to see him open his eyes or cry or even move. It was the worst day of my life.

We've had various other attempts at IVF since then and even went to the US for IVF treatment as it was cheaper then here in the UK - for the full background read Elly's blog - there's far too much info to recap here!!

So, there you go, a brief intro to what's going on and from here on in regular babble from me.

Just so you know, we're having twins, they're currently seven weeks and six days in and I am so excited I can't begin to express it in words!!

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